For one week only, and I mean only, I am selling my original Sliceform CD (not the new one) which comes in GSD, WPC and KNK formats, for only $15 (approx £10) plus FREE P&P.
Hi I'm Jennie, 41, from Scotland. I live with my wonderful husband and two cats Treacle and Bakewell.
In August 2007 I purchased a Craft Robo cutting machine, and this has totally turned my life around.
I now design individual templates and CDs for a number of very prestigious organisations in the UK, America and Australia.
I mainly specialise in 3D papercraft designs, and in particular sliceforms. These are objects created in paper that create a 3D object, but with the push of a finger, fold perfectly flat for posting, and with another gentle push or lift, fall back into their 3D form.
My blog is new for 2009 but hopefully I will be able to bring you fun and creative ideas to help you learn to design yourself.
I have tried to click on the buy now link to purchase your cd but it won't work